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About Community Christian School…Students…Teachers…Families…

   “We at Community Christian School believe that God has called us to equip our students with the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical resources needed to handle any challenges they face. Our students will be prepared to know God’s direction, follow this direction, and assist others to do the same.”

     Community Christian School began in 1982 because several families wanted a choice in the education of their children. Throughout the years the school has seen many changes, but the basic goal of educating children in an atmosphere of love and other Christian values has remained the same.

     Community Christian School is accredited by the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) which is approved by the Texas Private School Accrediting Commission (TEPSAC).

Community Christian School is led by W. Douglas Jefferson who oversee a faculty and staff of 16.

     Community Christian School is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. Since CCS has determined to make its services affordable to more people, it needs other support besides tuition to meet the cost of educating its students. Well of Life Church, led by Pastor Kirk Horton supports Community Christian School as do other individual donors. 

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