mission, vision, & values
The mission of Goodday Mineral Wells is no easy mission to achieve…
As reporters, messengers, and writers, we cannot control the message…
But, we can work to give you our very best effort.
The Goodday Mineral Wells mission is to provide a local resource that is reflective of and accessible to the people of Mineral Wells while upholding company values.
The members of our team are genuine. We genuinely care about this community and all of its great traits.
We strive to be as unbiased as possible. We seek to not control the message. We seek to merely amplify what we have researched.
Goodday Mineral Wells is as transparent as the crystal-clear Crazy Water that runs through our great town!
We believe in proving our words with actions. Therefore, we have great plans for the future.
One day, we hope to provide a thriving community with 24/7 media that is accessible in a variety of methods.
Mineral Wells – we hear you! Now, here’s how we plan to make your voices heard!
Surveys & Polls
At the end of some news articles, you will find a survey or poll that you may answer. The results will be recorded anonymously. You will be able to see how your results compare to the rest of the audience.
open requests for future articles
If you have a request for a future article, we will do everything we can to investigate and we won’t make you pay (this excludes sponsored articles).
We accept your feedback
We will utilize any feedback regarding our media source to make active adjustments and improvements.
help goodday mineral wells grow
We want to continue to keep our news source a free one.
But we do appreciate voluntary donations to support the business!